ICARO VUELA DE NOCHE2018-10-04T01:02:54+00:00

ÍCARO VUELA DE NOCHE | Icarus flies by night

“Poets utter great and wise things which they do not themselves understand.” –Plato

True poets seldom call things by their commonplace names. I believe this gives universality to their messages, because this purposeful ambiguity leaves meaning open to the readers’ personal interpretations. I hope you will find in this collection a poem, or even a single line, that will trigger an emotion or revive a memory in you. If this happens, then all the time and effort it took to give this book form will have been worth it. Throughout the history of humankind, millions of books have been written. Icarus Flies By Night is nothing but a tiny asteroid in the immense universe of poetry. I am a poet. I love poetry. This is my contribution to the genre. Thank you for reading this book. It was created with no desire but to bring to life emotions and ideas that would otherwise be nothing but smoke dissolving into the spirals of night and time. –José